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To The Grade 12 Course Descriptions Page

BulletCourse Code: ENG4A (Advanced) or ENG4G (General)
The purpose of this course is to allow you to further develop the skills you will need at the OAC level as well as to encourage you to take greater responsibility for what you learn. There will be increased student participation in the planning of this course. You will develop your skills through argumentative discourse, literary analysis, report and essay writing, presentations, seminars, and group work. Techniques of clear, effective expression will be emphasized. 1/6 of the course will involve media studies. Your work will be evaluated in the following categories: writing process, interactive learning and oral skills, work and study habits and independant study, tests and examinations. Marks will be weighted to reflect the proportion of time alotted to each activity in the class. To promote greater commitment to the learning process, this course allows you to choose ONE of the options that best suits your needs and interests. The same general skills will be taught in each option; however, in areas such as independant study, there will be greater emphasis on the topic that you have chosen.

BulletNote: Choose only ONE of the following courses

Option A: Studies In Literature-Course Code ENG4A1
Individual and group interests will be developed by the students and teacher during the course.

Option B: Creative Writing-Course Code ENG4A2
Methods of developing creative potential will be explored and techniques for writing poetry, short stories and scripts will be studied and practised.

Option C: Virgin, Temptress, Mother, Witch: Visions Of Women In Literature-Course Code ENG4A3
This section will appeal to men and women who wish to explore issues and images of women that are vital to harmonious co-existance.

Option D: Black Writers-Course Code ENG4A4
Black writers of Africa, The Caribbean and North America will be studies in this option.


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