To The Grade 11 Course Descriptions Page
Course Code: ENG3A (Advanced) or ENG3G (General)
As you begin your work in the Senior Division, you will respond critically to a variety of print, non-print, and human resources. Your ongoing skills development will focus on the techniques of clear, effective oral and written expression: debate, report, essay, panel presentation, group work, research, independant study, creative presenation and journals. 1/6 of the program involves media studies. This course builds on the foundations laid down in the Intermediate Division in order to prepare you for the workplace, college, or university. Evaluation, assignments and content will reflect the needs and abilities of students at both the general and advanced levels. Your evaluation will be made up of the following ocmponents: writing process, small group or interactive learning and oral language; work and study habits and independant study; and summative tests and examinations. Marks will be weighted to reflect the proportion of time allotted to each activity in each class.
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